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I am the founder of Domahan international. In fact, I am a medical laboratory scientist and civic engagement consultant. In 2010, I migrated from Sudan to Germany. My life and work experiences led me to envision the responsible businesses as an important key to achieve change in the broad society and local communities. I founded this company to realise that vision.    (Maissara)

Image by Millo Lin


Domahan international is a responsible firm, considers business as a developmental key

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General goals

Our company has many goals that reflect its responsibility towards different developmental issues,

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Cooperation and solidarity should replace the greedy competition in the economy and business

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The name DOMAHAN is of two Syllables, the first is “DOMA” and the second is “HAN”,

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Principles & Values

People, Values and Principles are the heart of our work and the backbone of our businesses.,

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Security Camera Video Surveillance

Privacy policy

We are committed to the principles and guidelines that ensure the personal data protection.

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Solar Panel


Cooperation and solidarity should replace the greedy competition in the economy and business sector in  this globalised era. The social and ecological responsibilities and putting people first before the profits have a priority in our work.

DOMAHAN international aims to invest sustainably in the networks & relationships that individuals and communities have in Europe and Africa to contribute to the development and economy in these two continents and globally too.



DOMAHAN International is a company of social and ecological responsibilities, and it works in developmental and economical projects  in various fields.

Our vision is based on encouraging youth to give the idea of doing business newer and deeper dimensions.

DOMAHAN international sees the business as a very important tool for change. It is not only about investing in products, services, and materials but also about investing in people and their values and principles and turning them into profits.


DOMAHAN international is putting this vision in the heart of its work to realise that: A responsible business is always a successful business



The name of the company is of two words. The main word of the name is (DOMAHAN), which is of two Syllables, the first is “DOMA” and the second is “HAN”. We have extracted these two Syllables from the Names of two Sudanese community leaders.


“DOMA” refers to “El-Doumah” which means “Adam” in a local western Sudanese tribal Language, while “HAN” refers to “Rayhan” which means “basil” which is an aromatic annual herb of the mint family, native to tropical Asia. For good fortune, "HAN" also can be interpreted in relation to Hanover city, the place where our company is founded.

Both of them, “El-Douma” and “Rayhan” did magnificent contributions to their communities to keep them coherent and united. The first was a social counsellor and the second was a soldier.

Our company is also committed to the social and economical development among European societies that are becoming more and more international than national, for example, in Hanover city lives population came from about 170 countries. By adding the term "International" the company celebrates the value of diversity and internationalism, investing in it and reflecting our vision to expand DOMAHAN international to be productive and effective all over the world.


Principles & Values


People, Values and Principles
are the heart of
our investments
and the backbone of our businesses.

DOMAHAN international is a company established by a migrant among German and European society, he has a political and social history linked to migration and refugee stories, therefore the company has many goals that reflect the responsibility towards different social and developmental issues.

When the company puts the people, values and principles in the heart of its work, that means clearly it means it, honestly and morally. 

DOMAHAN international counts sustainable development as one of its guidelines. 

DOMAHAN Principles

DOMAHAN international is committed to the UN Global compact principles. There are ten Fundamental principles that have been derived from: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labour Organisation's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, and the United Nations Convention Against Corruption.

These principles are committed to:


  • Human Rights

Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and

Principle 2: make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.


  • Labour

Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;

Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory Labour;

Principle 5: the effective abolition of child Labour; and

Principle 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.


  • Environment

Principle 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;

Principle 8: undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and

Principle 9: encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.


  • Anti-Corruption

Principle 10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.


General goals

DOMAHAN international has many goals that reflect its responsibility towards different social and developmental issues. Based on this fact, the company has the following general goals:


• To build business and economic relationships and bridges between Africa and Europe.

• To contribute to the development and empowerment of migrants’ communities at European level.

• To contribute to the development and empowerment of youth and women in Africa and worldwide.

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